Bank Instruments

Banking instruments refer to the various financial instruments that banks use to facilitate transactions between parties. These instruments can be used to provide guarantees, credit, or other forms of financial support.

An example of these instruments is the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) and the Bank Guarantee (BG). They are legal documents issued by a bank that guarantees payment to a beneficiary if the applicant fails to fulfil their contractual obligations. Banking Instruments are often used in international trade as a safety net for both parties involved in the transaction

Both SBLCs and BGs are types of financial guarantees that can be used to mitigate risk in transactions. They are often used in situations where one party is unsure about the other’s ability to fulfil their contractual obligations.

We provide 3 kinds of Bank Instruments:

How does it all work?

The below charts explain the way Monetisation and CIF trades work